Real Estate Blog - Market Stats

Buying a second home in the tropical paradise of The Bahamas offers many advantages. Whether enjoying the year-round sun, white-sand beaches, or crystal-clear waters of The Bahamas during vacations or being interested in tax-free investment opportunities through vacation rentals, owning a vacation home in The Bahamas offers it all.

Some 8 million tourists visited the sunny Bahamas in 2023, a lucrative investment opportunity for real estate buyers to buy their own holiday homes and grow their vacation rental business. Even if you’re not keen on investment, enjoying rent-free vacations in a home away from home is something every frequent traveller craves.

Buying property in The Bahamas isn’t a hard nut to crack. The Bahamian government has made…

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bahamas real estate market shift

"Beauty is that which attracts your soul…you feel that the hands deep within your inner self are stretched forth to bring her into the domain of your heart."

Kahlil Gibran

Just as in our personal relationships, I think it is fair to say that we also feel an attraction when we have found the house of our dreams - it is soul deep. It just clicks and there is a love that some will never understand and others see immediately.

Do you as the buyer or seller know what that beauty is in today’s market?

In real estate when we see trends towards a particular neigbourhood, district or style of home, could we say that most of us now have the same heart? We share the same desires? The inexplicable, we want what we want, when we want it,…

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Preparing for Disaster

hurricane matthews pathway
A tropical wave, named 97L, formed off the coast of Africa in late September, travelled west across the Atlantic, and upon reaching the Eastern Caribbean became Hurricane Matthew on September 28th 2016. Matthew rapidly intensified and became a Category 5 storm on September 30th and proceeded to track northwards, towards Haiti, Cuba and ultimately The Bahamas and on to the US East Coast.

Labelled a major storm and significant threat from early on, Matthew was taken very seriously by the Bahamian population. Preparations began early, and picked up pace as Matthew moved, ever so slowly, closer. Matthew had the capital, New Providence in his path and the residents were taking no chances. By the mid afternoon on Wednesday the…

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