Real Estate Blog - Blog Archive: April, 2020

Veteran agent Ken Chaplin faces unusual challenges when it comes to exercise. He lives on a boat! Usually an avid biker, take a look at how he has adjusted and changed how he exercises now!

When did you start exercising?

So basically…when did I start exercising…well I’ve never been one to do proper exercise routines. I like to do an activity which I enjoy that also gives me exercise. I guess what really prompted me to be a little bit more serious was when I had surgery about ten/twelve years ago and I wanted to regain my health and my fitness so I started cycling.

I joined a cycling group and I built it up and over several years I managed to do the Ride for Hope. It was my goal to do the whole one hundred miles which I managed to do about the…

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Krystal's transformation appeared fast and dramatic! However it wasn't easy - but hard work and determination pays off and Krystal has kept it up. Read how she does it and get some great tips on eating well in our talk with Krystal Treco!

Exercise with Krystal

When did you start exercising?

I've been working out for about 2 years now everyday. Being locked inside has forced me to push myself to try to stay active as much as I can during the day. 

 Why do you exercise?

I exercise daily because I am getting married in November and want to be a much fitter person by then.

Krystal now and then!

Why is exercise important to you?

I truly want to be an active person who takes care of their health as a necessity. 

How is your exercise routine different…

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With over 25 years in sales and marketing, real estate is a perfect fit for Byron and he has made a very successful transition! Check out how he keeps in shape to keep on top of his game!

When did you start exercising?

Exercise has been a part of my entire life.  Being a former college athlete, I have been working out at some level since high school.  Working out for Track and Field at a NCAA Division 1 level was very intense and for many years after college, I had discontinued any consistent routine maybe due to burn-out, but when my two sons began competing in a number of sports during their high school and college careers, I picked it up again by working out with them. They both went on to be collegiate athletes and both sons reside in…

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Welcome to the first in a series of chats with our agents on what exercise means to them, especially in these most peculiar times when we in The Bahamas, along with the rest of the world live under a Covid-19 curfew. Dave McCorquodale, a veteran agent, a veteran runner, and our very own expert on the  The Reef at Atlantis   is up first!

So Dave when did you start exercising?

I started exercising with Outdoor Fitness Bahamas  under the watchful eye of a fabulous certified trainer Craig Walkine Sr. about 10 years ago. I’ve run 12 Half Marathons in total including a few International events, Havana 3 times and Miami once three years ago.


Dave at the Havana Half Marathon in 2019. He completed the event in 2 hours and thirty two…

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