Real Estate Blog - Blog Archive: April, 2018

The Bahamas is well known as a tax haven and prime location for foreign investors. Today, we'd like to provide an in-depth guide on how US citizens can gain a significant tax benefit by setting up shop along the sunny shores of the Bahamas.

In some instances, US individuals or companies can save up to 35% by setting up international operations using a relatively small investment and expanding using tax-free earnings.

Where do these tax advantages come from?

These special tax advantages are available courtesy of the taxation provisions of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). These provisions provide the guidelines that allow certain people and businesses tax exemptions or deferments of foreign income by the US government.

To become…

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bahamian tax benefits for canadians

Despite Canada's wide reaching financial laws on income and restrictions on tax havens, the Bahamas can still serve as an ideal place to invest in, for non-residents.

In contrast to tax law in the United States, income taxation is based on residence, rather than citizenship. This means that while Canadian residents are taxed on any of their worldwide income, non-residents are only taxed through a withholding tax regime on certain specific kinds of investments.

These investments include things like:

    • Income from employment in Canada

    • Business carried out in Canada

    • Gains realized on the disposition of taxable Canadian property

Corporations that are non-residents of Canada follow much…

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